industry n. 1.勤劳,勤奋,刻苦。 2.工业,产业,实业,事业。 3.〔集合词〕资方。 4.有组织的劳动,经常的工作[努力]。 heavy [light] industry 重[轻]工业。 the automobile industry 汽车工业。 the sugar industry 制糖业。 the shipping industry 航海业。 the broadcasting industry 广播事业。 the beauty industry 美容业。
Should there be no electricity , people would still be living under the same condition as in the middle period of 19th century , relying on coal , wood , oil and natural gas for heat and light , and steam to provide power for industry and transportation use 没有电,人们就会在19世纪中期的条件下生活和工作,靠煤、木材、油、天然气等燃料获取热和光,靠蒸汽为工业和运输提供动力。